Tuesday, October 18, 2011

eBay Classified Ads - Ten Things You May Not Know About Them

eBay Classified Ads are a remarkable selling tool, they also help grow a mailing list much faster than any other method I know, yet still they are little understood and very much under-utilised by eBayers. Here are ten more things you need to know about eBay Classified Ads. in order to grow your income and mailing list on eBay:

* eBay classified ads. frequently promote products not already available or not otherwise allowed to be sold on eBay. A good example is digital downloads, such as eBooks and software applications which are banned from traditional eBay listings, with the exception of classified ads. on eBay.com.

* Although classified ads. feature on .com and .co.uk sites, overwhelmingly it's the USA site you should use to generate a mailing list for affiliate products or to promote your own eBooks and downloadable packages.

This is because, as well as digital items in general, affiliate promotions are also banned from sale on eBay.com and .co.uk, again in all but the classified ad. sections of eBay.com.

Additionally, given that the vast majority of affiliate products are priced in dollars anyway, and geared largely towards the American market, classified ads. promoted on eBay.com will be seen by millions of people in the USA as well as reaching a massive audience outside America.

* Although not all eBay categories can be used for classified advertising, the profit potential is so huge that it could be worth placing classified advertisements in categories you might not otherwise consider using, either to sell off-the page or grow a list for future promotions.

* eBay classified ads respond to searches made by eBay members, giving you 100% targeted traffic to your promotions, meaning virtually everyone searching on eBay is a potential buyer - but only if they key words into eBay search engines that resemble words used in your classified ad., primarily the title.

So you must create a keyword rich title for your classified ad. featuring words most often used to find products such as you are selling. One of the best places to locate these words is on eBay Pulse Pages where current top frequency search terms are listed left of the page. You'll find them at: pulse.ebay.co.uk or pulse.ebay.com.

* Study most popular searches for Information Products listed within the 'Everything Else' category and consider using these words in titles for eBay classified ads. promoting information products or free reports to grow your mailing list for subsequent information based products. This guarantees your ads. are returned in listings for similar words being searched on eBay. Also, by checking which popular search words feature regularly on eBay Pulse Pages you'll be able to create titles that achieve maximum possible viewing potential.

For example, imagine the word 'recipe' features almost daily in eBay's Popular Searches, and 'recipe' features in the title of your classified ad. Being an almost daily hot keyword, your classified ad will show up in eBay listings, also daily, whenever someone keys 'recipe' into eBay's search engines.

* Using classified ads you are not effectively selling on eBay so feedback does not apply. This is a major benefit for people selling products renowned for generating undeserved negative or neutral feedback, such as business opportunities, diet and exercise products, gambling plans and adult products, where buyer expectations sometimes exceed product capability. A good example is a book that shows exactly how to make money fast on eBay, that's an entirely and easily achievable objective, but if the buyer lacks commitment or does not read the instructions properly he ends up losing money. He's to blame but you'll get the negative, unless you use classified ads. Another example is a diet plan buyer who expects to shed weight faster than is humanly possible and blames the seller if it doesn't happen. The gambling book buyer might expect to win every bet from now to forever and will be quickly disappointed with his purchase and you'll get the blame.

* eBay classified ads. cost very little compared to their enormous profit potential. An eBay classified advertisement can solicit sales of million dollar yachts and houses or might grow an immense mailing list for high price repeat sale consumer goods. Whatever the product, one-off or repeat selling potential, ongoing profits can be many thousand times more than the tiny price paid for eBay classified ads.

* eBay classified ads. offer wider market coverage at much lower cost than typically advertising in offline media. For example, the smallest classified advertisement in a national daily newspaper can cost thousands of dollars for just one day. When the newspaper is discarded, usually the same day, your eBay classified ad. costing just a few dollars is still up and running and attracting visitors several weeks later.

* Any mistakes made in offline classifieds can take weeks to amend and cause enormous loss for your business. Make a mistake in an eBay classified ad. and you can change it any time of day or night, literally within minutes, without help of any kind.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1919349

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